During 10 years of sports betting events worked out the principles by which I manage to avoid the often stupid losers. Here they are:
1. Greedy loses twice
2. Respect money
3. Nothing on the strength of
4. Rarely meaning more
5. It's better to win less than lose
6. Avoid betting football
7. The maximum total rate 3.5
8. Draws conclusions from the failure
And now comment on these rules.
1. "Greed is good" - the famous quote from the iconic "Wall Street". Generally I agree with that, controlled greed compels us to action. There just will not come, you have to be hard to work hard to achieve something.
But when greed prevail over you, I'm sure sooner or later you will be left with nothing. Don't become Gambler. Do you know, who is a gambler? This is a person who subconsciously wants everything to lose. How to lose a large amount of money, so that as much ass shakes with grief and yet it is alive, feels this pleasure. Do not be greedy. Do not let pride and greed rule over you.
2. Respect money. The basic rule of economics. In all this game is the most powerful compound interest. Imagine that 10 more plants with a total of 2 course is the total course of 1024. So you can do with 10$ - 10000$. Of course, doing the course 1000 is very difficult to do in period one week, but making the selection, and limited to the weekly rate 2.0 rate 1000 is becoming more real. When you place $100 from amount $2000 some random type, it seems that ultimately did not hurt. Because you feel the need to bring something. Need emotions. It's just that losing $ 100 is a deprivation of the opportunity to multiply the $ 100. And what is worse, when you lose all the 2000 is it that these silly lost 100, 200 or $ 500 now to be very imparted. Every penny counts, think of how many hours you spend at work to earn $100 each. Respect the money, think twice before you bet. One type too much and you lose. And then you'll be spitting in his beard, that you could have for example 4500 and wanted to exchange 1.1 still make it to be round $5k and you have nothing. Respect Money
3. When the fastest and most loses? After the defeat! Imagine that you have 2000. Played for 1000 and lost. Subconsciously I immediately want to make up for what you lost. And then you put under the influence of emotions. And nothing so bad counselor as emotions. 8 to 10 times then you will definitely lose everything. Take a break, go for a walk, give yourself a day or even week to cool down.
The most important rule of investing is to protect the capital. In sports betting this is a risk that you can lose everything. Never allow a situation that you put everything. Because then depriving yourself of the opportunity to make up for the loss after loss. No one is infallible. Losses are a natural thing. This is what makes you a good player, is how you react to failure.
4. Take a break, do not play every day. I know from experience that the best time to play the weekend. Certainly never play on Mondays! That's my rule. From Tuesday-Wednesday time but I will choose something that is that if we lose it then wants to play, and although the weekend is to his certain types, then this time will lose the money to bet on it. Later, the grief, what is played and stupidly lost money, as you can easily multiply it by the weekend, times two. Better to take a break, from Monday to Friday not to look at the odds to mind was fresh and did not give a stretch of stupid losers.
5. This is a very important principle, often kept me from losing. Once you have a coupon to bring, review these rules, think that the meeting seem to be uncertain and draw them. It's better to win than lose less - like a simple but important principle. Over time, you really are intuition and kneading can be felt uncertain of the meeting. 10 times you may regret that, because you knew you could put with a win but I see that globally better off.
6. This is my personal rule. I do not play football with some exceptions. Why? Because somehow falls so strangely that does not always sit down at the last meeting that a draw would happen. Everyone, from my own experience can determine which disciplines are wary. My advice - avoid the ball, even if you consider yourself an expert in this field. And certainly do not place only after the name of the club. For as Bayern win it for sure. Top notch European leagues are very close. There are often surprises here. And in the late rounds of the queue is not surprising miracles. But decide for yourself.
7. The principle of the course as well as reducing the number of meetings on the ticket. Many people prefer to play up to three meetings on the coupon - good rule. I naturally play more games with less course - such is my style. It is important to limit ourselves and be too greedy. Really when playing larger amounts course 3.5 is very large. Here again remind rule No. 5 - it's better to win than lose less
8. Losses are a natural thing. Even the best make mistakes. Do not make bad decisions after losing, do not let yourself be guided by emotions. But I also do not forget about the losers. Analyze why you lost. Ok, if it was a mega surprise and simply arrive at her unhappily. But you yourself are most guilty. Not analyzed the match well, have not gotten to key information such as the injuries, exclusion. Placed at the meeting without a bid. The causes of failure can be many. It is important to examine them and learn from mistakes. Keep a journal, diary, blog - what you want, as long remember the failures and learn from them.
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